
I, too, am America

This is a Langston Hughes poem I was assigned to study today--the day after Barack Obama was elected --how apt.

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--

I, too, am America.

Obama superman


Want to read an amazing scary psychological feminist short story?

well, do I have one for you!

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, amazing early twentieth-century writer, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Perkins_Gilman)--wrote one of the creepiest and best short stories I have ever read--it's called "The Yellow Wallpaper" and, without giving anything away, it's about a woman who is prescribed lots of bedrest and not allowed to write or have any creative outlet--because she is "hysterical." She starts to REALLY hate the wallpaper in her room/cell.

Anyway--if you ever get a chance, read it! Ask me to lend it to you. Some of the creepiest imagery imaginable & VERY real--Gilman, herself, was prescribed the same strict bedrest for her "hysterical" behaviours (post-partum depression, etc).

I would one day like to produce and direct this on stage.



"i'm only sleeping"


i can't stop sleeping! it's this damn time change--it does it to me every year. i finally woke up today (from my dream about the injustice of a music station vj interviewing nick cave, but not playing a video after the interview--what kind of dream is this?)...anyway--i finally woke up because miss. psyche girl (see above, with friend Darth) caught a fly right in front of me (how did a fly get into our apartment?) and ate it up. she's such a lush.

Like, totally gag me with a spoon, man.

Lindy-12 yrs. old

this is me @ 12 years old. pretty cool with the "hippy" revival wear. overalls, peace signs, yin yangs, happy faces, Lennon glasses, etc. ahhh... the 90's. A lot of people kind of make fun of us kids who grew up in the 90's. But I say--it was cool. we got the best of the previous decades' pop culture plus our own lame stuff-- commercials including raps about environmental and criminal issues; cartoon series' entirely based on product placement; crazy pizza-shooting toys; neon wear galore; and the list goes ever on!

we also got to experience the 1990-1995 awesome years in music--and the not so great late nineties. come on--pearl jam, nirvana, green day, weezer, pj harvey, and on and on. when i was in grade 6, the coolest guy in my grade came to school with tiny braids in his hair, dyed red with kool-aid and a HUGE Nirvana shirt (the Kurt R.I.P. one) that reached his shins--how dreamy! ha. My mom wouldn't allow my dad to buy "Unplugged in New York" for me...so my friend taped it for me on a tape labeled- "Radio Hits '94"...haha. My all-time favourite Nirvana song at the time was definitely "Where did you sleep last night."

"I will SHIVER the whole night through!" brilliant.

I recall sitting in my room, listening to the album on repeat, feeling all deep and dark. haha--this is probably where my love for boys with "bleach blonde hair, crystal blue eyes" came from. any girl who knew me back then will attest to the fact that I was obsessed with boys. that lasted for a looong time. haha. still am, in fact. kind of--i mean, in the all grown up, married way. i still get a little obsessed with boys who sing. like the following boy, who i am just a little infatuated with--haha--as in, sometimes i dream about him (like literally, not day dream)--pretty sad, i know. but we all do it. i did last night, in fact. sigh.

ryan adams

Oh, that Ryan Adams--this is not to say that I don't absolutely love my husband and find him equally charming--because I do.

this is where I'm going to end this. it just makes sense to end it here.


PJ Harvey/Nick Cave

the greatest creepy couple.

nick cave & pj harvey

Nick Cave's "Dig Lazarus Dig" video:

PJ Harvey's "White Chalk" live performance-->

Wizard of blogs?

so, yesterday--which happened to be Hallowe'en--I was flipping through the channels and came across "The Wizard of Oz," being played on the Vision Network. To my surprise--they cut the doorman scene--the freakin' "well, bust my buttons" scene--this is wrong and should be criminalized. who's the person that has to sit in an editing room at a television network and decide which crucial scene to cut from a timeless classic film--i do not envy him/her.

anyway--i was saying to Dan, my roomate, that it is pretty weird that i, according to my parents, used to watch "The Wizard of Oz" like every day, sometimes twice a day for a year or so when I was about two years old. The reason I just realized that this is weird is--how has that movie freakin' shaped me!? If I watched it that often at such a crucial cognitive developmental stage--it really must have made an impression on me and had a huge influence on my personality and way of thinking. Hmm..maybe this is why I was obsessed with witches when I was 8 years old. and why i love red shoes (even though I gave both pairs of mine to Value Village recently). and why i am infinitely intrigued by fantasy and dream worlds and Faerie, in general. (not fairies--the literary concept of the land of Faerie)-- see Tolkien's essay "On Fairy-Stories" for a specific description of what I mean. wait--you're probably not interested or as big of a nerd as i am!

well, ryan adams & the cardinals new album, cardinology, was just released. it is awesome, of course. i should go to sleep, seeing as it is 3 am--i hope to dream about ryan adams--fingers crossed. ....i am pretty cool--don't forget it.
