
Want to read an amazing scary psychological feminist short story?

well, do I have one for you!

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, amazing early twentieth-century writer, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Perkins_Gilman)--wrote one of the creepiest and best short stories I have ever read--it's called "The Yellow Wallpaper" and, without giving anything away, it's about a woman who is prescribed lots of bedrest and not allowed to write or have any creative outlet--because she is "hysterical." She starts to REALLY hate the wallpaper in her room/cell.

Anyway--if you ever get a chance, read it! Ask me to lend it to you. Some of the creepiest imagery imaginable & VERY real--Gilman, herself, was prescribed the same strict bedrest for her "hysterical" behaviours (post-partum depression, etc).

I would one day like to produce and direct this on stage.


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